First Look at HERO AUGMENTS in the NEW TFT SET!!! | Teamfight Tactics Set 12

Описание к видео First Look at HERO AUGMENTS in the NEW TFT SET!!! | Teamfight Tactics Set 12

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I'm so excited for a new TFT Set and this was the first game I saw a hero augment!

Teamfight Tactics Set 12

00:00 TFT Set 12
02:27 Stage 2
09:26 Stage 3
16:14 Stage 4
23:18 Stage 5
29:54 Stage 6

#tft #teamfighttactics #leagueoflegends #gaming #streamer #english #set11 #highroll #bigbrain #winstreak #econ #set10 #tftset11 #remixrumble #ranked #inkbornfables #meta


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