Avoiding a 404 Error When Linking a CSS File in Your JSP Page

Описание к видео Avoiding a 404 Error When Linking a CSS File in Your JSP Page

Learn the correct method to link a CSS file in your JSP page and prevent 404 errors by ensuring the correct file path and syntax.
Avoiding a 404 Error When Linking a CSS File in Your JSP Page

When working with JSP (JavaServer Pages) in your web development projects, it's common to encounter issues while linking CSS files. One such issue is the dreaded 404 error, indicating that the CSS file cannot be found. Below, we'll discuss how to properly link your CSS file in a JSP page to avoid this problem.

Correct Path and Syntax

To correctly link a CSS file in your JSP page, you need to ensure that you are using the proper path and syntax. One of the most common reasons for encountering a 404 error is an incorrect file path.

Here’s the proper way to link a CSS file in your JSP:

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In this example:

<c:url> is a JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) tag that helps create correct URLs. The use of <c:url> ensures that the URL is resolved correctly relative to the context path.

value='/css/styles.css' specifies the path to your CSS file, assuming it resides within a folder named css in your web application's root directory.

Points to Confirm

Ensure the File Exists: Double-check that the styles.css file exists in the specified directory (css in this example).

Correct Folder Structure: Ensure that your project’s folder structure is correctly set up. For instance, if your CSS file is in a different directory, update the value attribute path accordingly.

Proper Deployment: Make sure your web application is properly deployed on the server and that the server has access to the resources.

Handling vraptor Paths

If you are using VRaptor, a Java MVC framework, the way to handle path resolution might differ slightly. It's crucial to ensure VRaptor correctly resolves your resource paths. However, the usage of JSTL tags like <c:url> should still help prevent common path issues.

Here’s an example tailored for VRaptor projects:

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In this configuration, it assumes that your CSS files are placed under a resources folder within your web root.


Correctly linking a CSS file in a JSP is essential to maintain the styling of your web pages. By following the above guidelines and ensuring the correct file paths and folder structures, you can avoid encountering 404 errors. Utilizing JSTL tags, like <c:url>, helps in constructing accurate URLs relative to the web application's context, making your resources accessible and your styling consistent.


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