RESA | A 600km journey across Sweden by kayak (Short Film)

Описание к видео RESA | A 600km journey across Sweden by kayak (Short Film)

A beautifully captured short film about two friends attempting to paddle 600km across Sweden from Gothenburg to Stockholm. Chris is an outdoor guide and kayak instructor and Andy who is an adventurer but has never sea kayaked before...

Andy & Chris paddle up the Trollhätte canal across Europe's first and third largest lakes, along the entire Göta canal and through the Baltic Sea. They portaged their kayaks through over 60 locks in the process.

The film brings you into the experience of this adventure through their reflections and transports the audience into nature through a soft and exploratory lens.

Filmed and edited by Eoghan McDonaugh IG / @eoghanmcd / @chrismount_


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