Visiting The BIGGEST osu! Convention (COE 2023)

Описание к видео Visiting The BIGGEST osu! Convention (COE 2023)

This was my COE 2023. Allthough it wasn't the whole 7 Days, I still had a great time meeting everyone and I am so glad to have met ya'll!

» In 2024 I will be visiting the whole 7 Days, as well as Vlogging it again (higher production quality) and doing more IRL Streams there! Be sure to Subscribe & Follow my Twitch :D

» If you plan on visiting COE 2024, consider using my Affiliate Link :) We can win cool prizes that I give away to you guys (Free Tickets, Merch Vouchers, ...)
Cavoe's osu! Event:

osu profile:
twitch:   / nirux  
discord:   / discord  
twitter:   / niruxs  

0:00 - Intro
0:46 - (Day 1) on our way to the Netherlands
2:24 - (Day 1) First Time At COE2023
5:22 - (Day 1) Getting Food in the City
7:22 - (Day 1) Back at The Event
8:28 - (Day 2) Hotel Roomtour & Breakfast + Buying Drinks
10:44 - (Day 2) Back at COE, Tour of the Event
11:38 - (Day 2) Trying out Wooting UwU
12:40 - (Day 2) Chilling, Food + Group Photo
14:53 - (Day 2) OWC Player Trying Mablet, Tournament, Food
17:04 - (Day 3) 2nd Hotel Roomtour + at COE
17:50 - (Day 3) Sushi Lunch Experience
18:57 - (Day 3) Michael + Jumbo + Cats
19:55 - (Day 3) Tuna vs Ninerik TB + Meeting Peppy
21:40 - (Day 3) Joli UNICYCLE
22:06 - (Day 3) Powerade Cheap Vs Expensive
22:37 - (Day 3) FlyingTuna Mablet Tryout + criller vs Tuna Grand Finals
24:22 - (Day 3) The End of Day 3 + Outro

#osu #osugame #COE2023 Cavoe's osu! Event 2023 Cavoe


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