4 Important Tips to Start Your Business Right!

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Starting a business is a journey filled with challenges, and it's easy to make mistakes along the way. I’ve learned some crucial lessons the hard way, and today, I want to share four key tips that will help you avoid common pitfalls and set your business up for success from the beginning.

1. Don’t Judge Your Work Prematurely
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is judging your work too soon. When you're in the creative process, it’s essential to let ideas flow without overthinking or critiquing them immediately. Creativity and critical thinking use different parts of your brain, and if you start critiquing too early, you might stifle your creative progress. Focus on making steady progress toward your goals instead of worrying about the immediate results.

For example, when I started my YouTube channel, I barely had 30 views. If I had judged my work based on those early results, I might have given up. Instead, I focused on creating more videos, improving my skills, and staying consistent. The key is to trust the process and allow your work to evolve.

2. Regularly Track Your Progress
Tracking your progress is crucial for maintaining momentum. I recommend using an execution calendar where you commit to doing something for 100 days. This approach gives you enough time to see meaningful results and gather valuable data to assess your efforts.

Personally, I use planning cards to mark off each day’s progress. This method keeps me accountable and ensures that I’m consistently moving forward. By tracking your progress, you can avoid the trap of getting discouraged by short-term results and instead focus on the long-term gains.

3. Make Decisions and Move Forward
Once you’ve committed to a plan, it’s vital to stick with it long enough to gain valuable experience. Often, we get caught up in analyzing and second-guessing our decisions before we’ve even had a chance to see the results.

Commit to your plan, track your progress, and only then evaluate your results. This approach has helped me tremendously, especially in my business journey. For years, I struggled with the initial stages of product development because I didn’t fully commit to seeing it through. However, once I started consistently creating content and tracking my progress, I gained the experience needed to improve.

4. Have Fun with the Process
Finally, it’s essential to have fun with what you’re doing. Building a business is hard work, and it’s easy to get bogged down by the grind. But if you’re not enjoying the process, it will become increasingly difficult to stay motivated.

For me, finding joy in creating videos and experimenting with new ideas has kept me going, even when the results weren’t immediate. I’ve also started incorporating painting and sketching into my work, which has added a creative and enjoyable aspect to my daily routine.

In summary, starting a business requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to learn from the process. Don’t rush to judge your work, track your progress diligently, commit to your decisions, and most importantly, have fun along the way. Stick with it, and you’ll see the results over time.


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