EOcafe: Revealing the hidden value of Earth Observation

Описание к видео EOcafe: Revealing the hidden value of Earth Observation

How important is Earth Observation technology? How much does it contribute to the world economy? How much “good” can or does it contribute to the world? What is the hidden value of EO? These are the questions that the World Economic Forum has tried to address in their latest report Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation.

Data from Earth Observation satellites touches upon our daily lives in so many ways but this is largely hidden from view. Unlike many digital technologies it is rarely used by people directly in their private lives, even if it contributes to making our lives better and safer. This makes the value difficult to understand and fully evaluate.

Several initiatives are seeking to break this barrier and understand the benefits of Earth Observation. This is vitally important for funders of future systems whether they are public (governments) or private (businesses). Knowing the value can help companies sell their products and services as well as help policy makers understand its importance and hence ease its introduction to new users.

The World Economic Forum, the international organisation for public-private cooperation, provides a global, impartial and not-for-profit platform to help stakeholders establish trust, and build initiatives for cooperation and progress.

As part of their work aimed at harnessing the full potential of technological solutions (under the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution), through the “Valuing Earth Observation” initiative, they have convened a community of leading EO data providers, users and related experts to advance EO’s transformative potential for climate and nature. Together they will, among others, aim to quantify the financial and climate value of EO and its applications, and inspire more stakeholders to leverage EO for climate action.

Learn more: https://earsc.org/2024/05/07/eocafe-r...


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