3 Min! How I Got Rid of Glaucoma Naturally | How to Lower Eye Pressure Exercise

Описание к видео 3 Min! How I Got Rid of Glaucoma Naturally | How to Lower Eye Pressure Exercise

#stopglaucoma #reverseglaucoma #lowereyepressure

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Glaucoma is a buildup of pressure in the eye. With time it can damage the optic nerve and harm vision. Research shows that eye exercises can help reduce eye pressure and can help lower the risk of vision loss in the long run. You can lower eye pressure naturally at home and prevent Glaucoma from getting worse.

Just follow along the Glaucoma exercises in this video for a natural way to fight Glaucoma. Regular body exercise like aerobics or biking, running, etc., also helps with Glaucoma and helps lower pressure in the eye according to research. Studies have also shown that vitamins C, A and B complex and E help against Glaucoma and it's also important to limit caffeine intake. Sleeping on your back with your head elevated also helps.

1. Place home against eyeballs and press in eight times. Don't press too hard.

2. Using index and middle finger pulse 8 times above brows near center of forehead.

3. Using index and middle finger pulse 8 times beneath eyes.

4. Using index and middle finger fast pulses above the arch of the eyebrows. 8

5. Round out temples with index and middle finger eight times.

6. Using index knuckles begin in the center of the forehead and pull out toward the side of the head eight times.

7. Using index knuckles begin underneath eye in the center area and pull out toward the side of the head eight times.

8. Using index and middle finger two pulses surrounding the eyes one surround total.

9. Using index and middle finger begin fast pulses in the center of the forehead three total.

10. Make this and portion on closed eyeballs eight times don't press too hard.

11. Place index fingers beneath eyebrows by nose bridge and brush outward toward temple once. Then use index fingers beneath the eye near nose bridge and pull outward toward temples once.

12. Use index fingers on temples and push up toward hairline one time.

13. Place index fingers on middle of forehead and pull out toward the temples three times.

Do this protocol three or four times a week as needed. See how you feel after 2 weeks.

People have had amazing results. In my case, my eye pressure went from 39 to 12 after several massages. A year later my pressure is still 12 or 13 and I do the massages once a week now. One change I made is to sleep on my back with my head elevated on several pillows. That seemed to really help out my pressure and I never sleep on my sides because that caused my pressure to go up.

The information in this video and on this channel is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice and should not substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. To avoid any injuries or harm please check with your doctor before starting the exercise and have your doctor monitor you. by performing any exercises without supervision like with this video you are performing them at your own risk. see a doctor to give you professional advice regarding the exercises. Avy Raye will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.

Always consult your physician before starting any program.

Good luck!

Thanks so much for watching!

Avy Raye

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