ELYSOL: laying instructions of Brianza Plastica polycarbonate compact sheets

Описание к видео ELYSOL: laying instructions of Brianza Plastica polycarbonate compact sheets

This video shows the correct laying instructions for Elysol polycarbonate corrugated and ribbed sheets, characterised by exceptional transparency and elegant aesthetic effect.

The application fields of this product are numerous: from agricultural and industrial sectors to the residential and DIY ones.

In the DIY sector, the Elysol polycarbonate sheets can be installed, both as roofing and vertical curtain walls, in few and simple steps; easy handling and lightweight complete the laying simplicity.

During the installation of Elysol polycarbonate sheets, care must be taken when drilling the fixing hole, which must be 3 mm larger than the diameter of the screw used, so as to compensate for thermal expansion of the sheet.

For further information, visit our website: elysol.brianzaplastica.it/en


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