「無廣告版」下午茶時間 ❤ 輕鬆音樂陪我度過一下午~ TEA TIME ❤ RELAX MUSIC FOR READING & STUDYING

Описание к видео 「無廣告版」下午茶時間 ❤ 輕鬆音樂陪我度過一下午~ TEA TIME ❤ RELAX MUSIC FOR READING & STUDYING

中間不安插任何廣告, 希望大家都能好好享受這 5小時的音樂

if you like my video, you can buy me a cup of coffee ☕
如果喜歡我的音樂可以請我喝一杯咖啡喔~ ☕ ❤

This is 5 Hours of concentration with relax BGM,
I tried to create this very calm & nature sounds mix ambience~ hope you ❤
Camera: Blackmagic - https://ebay.to/2IJnaIk
Edited via Adobe Premiere Pro

Releasing Uncertainties by Phil
Calm and Meditative by Prad
Relax time
Amazing Time Relaxation Piano
Meditative Slow Piano or fog over the river
Transparent Calm Piano
Magic Slow Piano
Expressive piano
Dona Nobis Pacem
A Bed Of Clouds Fond Memories Piano by Sonic
Piano for relax and meditation by Prad
Meditative Piano by AirFamily
Meditation spa piano by Prad
Winter nature solo piano

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