West Country Whipping - West County Whipping - Decorative Covering Knot - Paracord Handle Wrap

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West Country Whipping - West County Whipping - Decorative Covering Knot - Paracord Handle Wrap

How to whip the end of a rope with West Country Whipping.

West Country whipping was the name given by Biddlecombe in 1848 to this particular practice, but most subsequent seamanship books, including the British Admiralty Manual of Seamanship , have modified the name to West County Whipping. The thread or yarn having been middled, the ends are passed around the rope and are half knotted together. Each end is next led one half a turn to the opposite side and again the two are half knotted. The ends are again led one half a turn around the rope and half knotted. T his is continued on alternate sides until the required width is reached, when the ends are securely reef knotted and cut off. I have not seen this whipping used but it has this advantage: if any part breaks it will be a very long while before the whole whipping lets go. The break will be evident and the whipping can be replaced in time.

Ashley's Book of Knots 3458


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