Fluval Edge 12 Gallon Reef Tank: 1 Month

Описание к видео Fluval Edge 12 Gallon Reef Tank: 1 Month

This is my 12 gallon saltwater reef tank set up in my office. I’ll be posting monthly updates on it, so follow along this journey and watch the progression of this reef.

1st month: I added Chaeto to the refugium this month. This should help with my algae build up and my low PH. Corals are looking great and some are even going to need trimmed from some spots. The Hammer Coral has some cool growth that I can’t wait to see over the next year. Sushi also has survived a couple of 4 day weekends (since we moved) and loves being fed 2-3 times a day. The Stomatella (yet to be named) was a fun surprise brought in when I bought corals. He is a great algae eater and a good guy in the aquarium.

Setup: All livestock and corals were from a fluval evo I had in my old office. We moved 3 hours away so everything was put into a 5 gallon “holding” tank until this got set up and cycled (a process that allows beneficial bacteria that breaks down toxins to build up). I had always wanted the fluval edge 12 and was given one for free from a friend, so I took the opportunity to create this reef.

If you want a sneak-peak, this next month will have some fragging, a little re-arranging, and updates on the algae.

If you want to do what I did for any part, I’ll leave links to my gear, but most of it is stock.

Light: Kessel a80 Tune Blue
Filter: aqua clear 20 (stock filter for this tank)
Refugium light: https://www.amazon.com/ACKE-Fixtures-...
Power head: https://www.amazon.com/SUN-Piece-Subm...
Rocks: BRS Pukani
Sand: White Sand from a pet store, nothing special there

I can’t wait to be back with more videos!

There's Probably No Time by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/uvp/

Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/


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