MN99s modified 1/12 scale crawler trail truck 👉 when

Описание к видео MN99s modified 1/12 scale crawler trail truck 👉 when

This is my first proper trail session with my modified MN99s 1/12 scale trail truck, and I wasn't disappointed! Even though it's crawling ability isn't up to much, it's as capable as any other high centre of gravity trail truck and equipped with the DJ Crawler 74mm mud tyres, it looks epic and handles beautifully. Above all, it's just great fun!

👀👉 Get DJ Crawler mud tyres HERE! -
👀👉 Get DJ Crawler mud tyres HERE! -

👀🤎 Find all the upgrades on my MN99s in the description box of this video HERE! 👉👉    • MN99s: testing DJ Crawler 74mm mud ty...  

It was only one day after joining the ‪@RCShackOfficial‬ crew that a few of us met up in a great location at Gravel Hill Woods in the south of England which provided all sorts of terrain. We definitely had fun in the sand, something the MN99s hasn't seen before!

Big shout out to ‪@RCShackOfficial‬, a great bunch, very welcoming and have decades of experience. Go check out their channel! 😎

👀🤎 Watch the RC Shack edit of this video, which features more of their trucks HERE -    • RC crawling 'down under' with @RCShac...  

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#rccrawling #trailtruck #scalemodel #mnmodel #proportional #rccar #remotecontrol #radiocontrol

Edited by YouCut:

Music: Game Day Stomp
Musician: LAB HITS-Felix Manzi


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