Anxious? Angry? Self-Critical? Congrats, You're Perfectly Normal with Alex Korb

Описание к видео Anxious? Angry? Self-Critical? Congrats, You're Perfectly Normal with Alex Korb

Did you know feelings like worry are our brains' way of protecting us? However, they can become problematic when they trigger repetitive negative thoughts.

In this episode, Matt O'Neill interviews neuroscientist Alex Korb to discuss how common emotions like worry, anxiety, anger, and self-criticism are natural brain functions, not personal failings.

Learn simple strategies – backed by neuroscience – to improve mood and happiness. Understand why our brains experience these emotions and learn how you can manage them through mindfulness instead of judgment. This episode will leave you feeling empowered rather than critical of yourself.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:
-Why the brain experiences emotions like worry and self-criticism
-Understanding different brain wiring and personality traits
-Managing emotions through mindfulness and self-compassion
-The importance of exercise, sleep, gratitude, and taking action

[03:22] The Purpose of Worry and Self-Criticism
[07:29] Unique Brain Wiring and the Value of Self-Acceptance
[20:40] The Power of Emotion Labeling and Self-Compassion
[29:00] Simple Habits for a Happier Brain

Notable quote:
[05:59] Worry in itself isn't a problem. Obsessively worrying is a problem

Resources Mentioned:

The Upward Spiral

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About the Guest
Alex Korb is a neuroscientist who studies depression and the brain. His book “The Upward Spiral” explains what happens in the brain during depression and provides strategies for improving mood based on scientific research.


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