Facilitated Communication and Autism: What We Need To Know | Janyce L. Boynton

Описание к видео Facilitated Communication and Autism: What We Need To Know | Janyce L. Boynton

Dive into this insider-outsider look at the Facilitated Communication movement—how it works, who really benefits, why critical reviews have not stopped its progress, and what we can do about it. Facilitated communication attempts to aid communication by people with autism or other communication disabilities who are non-verbal.

Janyce is an artist, educator, and advocate for evidence-based practices in the field of communication sciences and disorders.

As a speech/language clinician in the early 1990s, she became involved with facilitated communication. An overview of her experiences with FC can be found in Stuart Vyse's "An Artist With a Science-Based Mission," published in Skeptical Inquirer (November 2018). Her 2012 article, "Facilitated Communication: What Harm it Can Do – Confessions of a Former Facilitator," published in the journal Evidence-Based Communication and Intervention, was the first of its kind. To date, she is one of the few facilitators world-wide to publicly acknowledge her role in producing FC messages and speak out against its use.

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This talk took place at the CSICon 2019 in Las Vegas on October 19, 2019

Watch more from CSICon 2019.


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