When Doves Cry (Prince Metal Cover)

Описание к видео When Doves Cry (Prince Metal Cover)

iTunes / Spotify / Apple Music / other stores link: https://ffm.to/xo0vb1l.oyd

This is a metal cover of When Doves Cry, Prince's classic 1984 hit from his Purple Rain album. It was his first number one single, staying in the top spot for five weeks.

This is normally the space where I'd list out all my sponsorship stuff and have affiliate links for all the gear that I use, but, well, nobody's paying me to do that so I'm not going to.

I don't have any social media accounts you can subscribe to, either, so... uh... yeah, this section is going to be kind of empty. But it's rapidly filling up with excuses, so there's that.


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