A Practical Approach to Pain Management

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Welcome to A Practical Approach to Pain Management – Free Virtual Mini-Course Livestream.

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Article - Are NSAIDs Safe: https://www.dropbox.com/s/771rzlcgu9h...
Practical Pain Management in the ED Handout: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p74tnt1napg...
ractical Pain Management in the ED PowerPoint: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldc1je6rayd...


Martha Roberts, NP - Twitter https://bit.ly/3qpwxkn
Ken Milne, MD - http://thesgem.com/
Sergey Motov, MD -   / painfreeed  
Michael Sharma, NP - https://bit.ly/2VtYGIR
Richard Bukata, MD - http://www.ccme.org

Our Courses:

EM Boot Camp: http://www.embootcamp.com
EM Boot Camp Pharmacology Workshop: https://bit.ly/2I44xld
Advanced EM Boot Camp: http://www.embootcamp2.com
EM & Acute Care: http://www.emacourse.com
National EM Board Review: http://www.emboards.com
High Risk Emergency Medicine: https://bit.ly/2VrvbYj
The Heart Course: http://www.heartselfstudy.com
The Cadaver-Based Suturing Self‑Study Course: https://bit.ly/36vn2Za
EM:Prep LLSA Review: http://www.emprep.org
National Family Medicine Board Review: http://www.fmboards.com

Purchase Dr. Motov’s book “Pain Management Guide: Evidence-Based Alternative Analgesia, 1st Edition”
here: https://amzn.to/37t3LqD


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