(NEFSCUN) Nepal Federation of Saving and Credit Cooperative Unions Ltd|

Описание к видео (NEFSCUN) Nepal Federation of Saving and Credit Cooperative Unions Ltd|



NEFSCUN is committed to the development, promotion and strengthening of its member organizations through supporting SACCOS and Unions in their aim to contribute for the upliftment of financial, social and cultural aspiration of individual members of respective community by following the international credit union principles.

With its competitive products and services, NEFSCUN has reached 76 districts and able to cover 3.7 Million individuals into the financial mainstream. Every Year, NEFSCUN provides cooperatives management training for more than 20000 leaders and staffs. It has supported to promote formal finance access to the poor and manage their cooperatives locally with global tools and techniques.



1.सहकारी भनेको के हो?यसको विशेषता, नेपालमा यसको भुमिका र महत्व के के छन्?
3.Sahakari update
4.what is Co-operative Organization?
5.what are the Characteristics of Cooperative Organization?
6.Importance of Cooperative Organization
7.Role of Cooperative Organization in Nepal.
8.सहकारी का विशेषता, नेपालमा यसको भुमिका र महत्व के के छन्?
9.Sahakari vaneko k ho?
10. Sahakari ko Parivasa.
11. Sahakari ko Parichay.
12.सहकारीका मुख्य कामहरु के के हुन।
13. Function of cooperative.
14. Principal of sahakari.
15. Principal of cooperative.
सहकारी जानकारी
जय सहकारी
सहकारी खबर
सहकारी खबर पत्रिका

सहकारीको साधारणसभा भनेको के हो?
सहकारीका अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सिद्धान्तहरू के के हुन्?
सहकारीका मुल्य मान्यताहरू के के हुन?
Definition of Co-operative Bank.
#राष्ट्रिय_सहकारी _बैंक_लिमिटेड

1) What are the Objective of Co-operative Bank?

2) What are the Objective of Co-operative Ltd?

3) What are the Principal of Co-operative Bank?
4) What are the Principal of Co-operative Organization?
5) What are the Core value of Co-operative Bank?
6) What are the Core value of Co-operative Organization?
7) What are the Core value of Co-operative Ltd?
jay sahakari


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