Who Need to Get 7E Certificate from FBR While Selling Immoveable Property in Pakistan?7E Certificate

Описание к видео Who Need to Get 7E Certificate from FBR While Selling Immoveable Property in Pakistan?7E Certificate

For the purpose of issuance of above certificate, the seller/transferor will fill the requisite particulars in attached Form 'A' and submit the same to the Commissioner Inland Revenue holding jurisdiction over the person. The Commissioner Inland Revenue will examine the particulars and will accordingly issue the certificate. The said certificate will be issued by the Commissioner Inland Revenue within 7 days of the receipt of the pre-filled form 'A' submitted by the seller/transferor. If property owner is more than one person, each person shall discharge liability u/s 7E with respect to his or her respective share in the said property in any of the modes described above.
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