Vlog13 Not enough tourists? Troubles getting from Chiang Dao to Chiang Rai

Описание к видео Vlog13 Not enough tourists? Troubles getting from Chiang Dao to Chiang Rai

In this video, we travel from Chiang Dao (north of Chiang Mai, Thailand) to Chiang Rai, but our plans didn't work out how we imagined them...

Watch the video to see our arrival in Tha Ton, next to the border with Myanmar, and the struggles of being the only tourists around 👀.

In the video I accidentally wrote “Chang”, which means elephant, instead of “Chiang”, the thai word for city 🌆

Watch Vlog 12 to learn more about the little village named Pai:
   • Vlog12 Welcome to PAI - Thailand - Sh...  


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