Density of Irregular Solids | GCSE Physics (9-1) |

Описание к видео Density of Irregular Solids | GCSE Physics (9-1) |

In this video you will learn all the science for this topic to get a grade 9 or A* in your science exams!

Density is the measure of the mass per unit volume for any substance.
To calculate the density of a substance you divide the mass of the substance by it’s volume.

The formula linking density, mass, and volume is:

density = mass ÷ volume

To calculate the density of an irregular shaped solid you need to measure it’s mass and volume.
To measure it’s mass, you place the object on a balance.
To measure the volume of the irregular shaped solid, you would fill a Eureka can to the top with water.
You would then place an empty measuring cylinder beneath the spout of the Eureka can.
When you place the object into the Eureka can, water is displaced and collected in the measuring cylinder.
The volume of water collected is the volume of the irregular shaped solid.
To calculate the density of the object, divide it’s mass by it’s volume.

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