[ 자판기 LIVE ] 3회 | 예수님께 항복하는 방법? | 브라이언박목사

Описание к видео [ 자판기 LIVE ] 3회 | 예수님께 항복하는 방법? | 브라이언박목사

콜링갓 유튜브 생방송 | 2020.07.03 | 브라이언 박 목사

🙏매주 월~금요일 오후 2시 45분, 브라이언 박 목사의
영성있는 말씀과 기도로 현대인들의 고민을 나누고 치유하는
소통과 경청의 창 [콜링갓 유튜브 생방송]

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다시는 안그러겠습니다
지금부터 영혼토록 하나님 앞에서만 항복하겠습니다
그럴 때 세상을 정복하게 도와주시고
내 앞에 있는 문제를 정복하게 도와주시고
나의 고통을 정복하게 도와주시고
나의 질병을 정복하게 도와주시고
우리 가정을 애워쌓고있는 문제를 정복하게 도와주시고
이 세상 문제를 정복하는 그런 놀라운 정복자로 세워주실 것을 알고
오직 예수님만 위해 살겠습니다
새로운 시작을 주셔서 감사드리며
예수님 이름으로 기도합니다

Heavenly Father,
I’m sorry. I was wrong.
I claimed to be a believer in Jesus, but I lived according to my own will. I acknowledge and repent.
I acknowledge that I called Jesus “Lord, Lord,” I was the lord of my life. I surrender and repent.
God, I surrender all the authority of my life to you.
I surrender and repent of all the acting as the lord of my life.
I surrender and repent of using God.
Instead of God’s will, I lived for my own will—I surrender and repent.
I had so many idols in my life.
My children were my idols.
My work was my idol,
My ministry was my idol
Other things were my idol.
I surrender all of my idols to you.
I surrender all the ownership and authority of my life to you. All of my thoughts, all of my plans, all of my life I surrender to you.
And from this moment, I will live only for Jesus.
I surrender all my suffering.
I surrender all my pain.
I surrender all my scars.
I surrender my low self image.
I surrender all my fear of sickness and disease.
Right now, I surrender all the pain in my life.
I surrender all the ways I tried to do things in my own strength.
I surrender all my problems to you.
And from this moment until the day I go to heaven, I will surrender only to God.
Until now, I repent for all the things before which I surrendered that were not God: powers, people, problems, material things, disease.
I’m sorry. It wa all my fault.
I will not do it again.
I will not do it again.
From now until eternity I will only surrender to God.
And when I do please help me to overcome the world,
And help me to conquer all the problems that are before me,
And help me to conquer the pain in me,
And help me to conquer the disease and sickness in me,
And help me to conquer the problems that are surrounding my family,
And I thank you that you will make me someone who overcomes this world, and becomes a conqueror.
I commit that I will live only for Jesus.
Thank you for a new start,
I pray in Jesus name,


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