Five Minute Histories: Maryland Glass Co.

Описание к видео Five Minute Histories: Maryland Glass Co.

Join us in Mount Winans at the last remaining buildings of the Maryland Glass Co., a manufacturing facility that made the signature blue bottles for Bromo Seltzer and Noxzema. Baltimore was a hub of glass manufacturing in early America. Heard about the tunnels under Federal Hill? Glassmakers created those when they excavated the area for its high quality silica sand—a key ingredient in glassmaking. Thanks for watching and see you next week with another video.

This is our series called "Five Minute Histories." Every week, we’ll record a short video about a different historic place in Baltimore and post it on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

#baltimore #fiveminhist #glass #glassmaking #bromoseltzer #marylandblue #mountwinans #federalhill #noxzema


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