Palir Guitars - The Apple Tree with Suds and Burgs

Описание к видео Palir Guitars - The Apple Tree with Suds and Burgs

Sadie's on school holidays so we made this quick video together this evening in pretty poor light just for fun. We used an Axe-FX II so as not to scare the neighbours at the late hour. Tomorrow, in the daylight, we'll have another go with a 'real' amp. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this.

Some background:

John Palir, Brian Porter and myself put our heads together to design a guitar that would proudly and properly display their respective talents while also putting an instrument in my hands that would make me want to play it and continue to fly their flags. A collaboration of sorts. Our little plan has worked. Mmwhoohahahaha!!

My brief and wish list for "The Apple Tree" was based on an obvious classic but I asked for some specifics. They were:

Body: Alder
Neck: C radius 10"
Color scheme: 60's Telecaster Custom - Candy Apple Red
White guard & off-white/cream binding
Body and neck finish: Vintage/Light
Pickups: Porter Custom Tele
Bridge: Joe Barden

John and Brian delivered it all and then some and the results are amazing. The whole is far greater than the sum of the parts. I thank you both so much.

The preset I used in the Axe-FX II is one of my own, based around a Dr Z MAZ 38 amp and 1x12" Deluxe cabinet. I tailored it especially for this guitar and I'm looking forward to cranking it on stage to see how flys in battle (always the ultimate test). I'll upload the patch to the Fractal site and post the link here shortly for those interested.

Cheers and thanks for watching.

Burgs and Suds.


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