Hellgate Osprey - Homebirdy's Foot Stompin' On A Very Fishy Day - W 9-11-24

Описание к видео Hellgate Osprey - Homebirdy's Foot Stompin' On A Very Fishy Day - W 9-11-24

Now we see Antali just chillin' and we get to simply admire his very existence. He's so beautiful - a wonderful new being in this super awesome season full of surprises.

Obviously their nest is Antali's safe place as clearly he adores it, claimed it as his and spends a LOT of time on it! This is wonderful for us because we get to see him so very much!

As the nesting season has been continually winding down, first we noticed not seeing gorgeous Sum-eh very much. This was sad bec we all yearned to keep right on seeing her for much longer than we were blessed to. Antali had lots to do w/that bec I believe she tried to come to their nest on a number of occasions and Antali said "Fuggedaboudit Sister! This is MY turf!" I think she finally just gave up on that and spent her time out there, in their area, with their parents. I wouldn't be surprised if she also caught some of her own fish a time ago...

Next we notice Iris coming around less and less as we yearned to keep on seeing her too. A mother osprey depletes much of herself during the nesting season. So she needed to feed herself more than she shared fish w/their kids as she prepared to head off on her long migration.

So now, we are not 100% sure whether or not Sum-eh is still around. Dr. Greene reported seeing her around the 8th, so we know she was out there.

Click the link to see Dr. Greene's Post You don't need be in FB to see it. Click away the pop-up.
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I do believe Iris is gone. She was on nest briefly the 9th, then on the stadium lights for a very long time, late on the 10th. She's not been seen since.

So back to this video clip. Look at that handsome fellow - our Homeboy. He chills - still very full from the two fish he consumed. I mean, LOOK at that crop! Daddy is keeping his boy filled right up! Antali does come to the nest on a regular basis wet, so we know he is trying to catch his own fish.

Watch what he starts doing almost halfway through the clip! I saw this live and was like WHAT?! Lol. He already cracks me up w/his ways, but what on Earth was he doing here? LOLOLOL. He's vocalizing, winging and stomping that rt foot w/that fish. I laugh just thinking about it as I type this! He's a delightful character - I HAD to keep these moments bec it struck me as SO darn SILLY! =D

I wondered... is he doing that bec he's not liking feeling those darn wasps crawling on his foot? No I don't think that's it... Was he doing that bec he couldn't let go the fish and maybe he wanted a different grip? No, don't think that's it either... Was he doing that bec he saw somebirdy out there he didn't like? He almost backed himself rt off the nest! Lol. He just kept picking up that rt foot w/the fish and putting it down, over and over - stomp, stomp, stomp.

Wutchu doin' there Antali??? =D

I truly have no idea what he was doing or why, but he finally decided to eat some more of that fish, silly boy.

~Thanks for watching!

~TYSVM Montana Osprey Project and Cornell Lab Bird Cams!


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