Spring Mushroom Foraging & Identification

Описание к видео Spring Mushroom Foraging & Identification

Join me, as I look to forage and identify mushrooms in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Mushroom Hunting in Western Washington is a joy any time of year, but as we get closer and closer to Spring being in full swing, it's especially exciting to see what new mushrooms are popping up! Whether you're right here in the WA State, or in neighboring regions of the PNW like Oregon, Northern California, or British Columbia, there's a good chance you're seeing similar mushrooms emerging in these Spring months. Even if you're in other parts of the world, there is often a lot of overlap ... and hopefully there's something in here for mushroom lovers everywhere!

In this episode, here are a few of the mushrooms you can expect to see:

00:00 Intro
00:40 Deer Mushroom (Pluteus cervinus)
04:16 Sulfur Tuft (Hypholoma fasiculare)
08:02 Conifer Tuft (Hypholoma capnoides)
09:00 Side by Side Comparison in UV Light
10:30 Ambiguous Stropharia (Stropharia ambigua)
11:52 Nolanea
13:58 Deep Purple Bolete (xerocomellus atropurpureus) formerly Zeller's Bolete (Xerocomellus zelleri)
16:16 Wolf's Milk (Lycogala epidendrum) - a favorite Slime Mold!
18:48 Lumpy Bracket (Trametes gibbosa)
22:07 Red Belted Conk (Fomitopsis mounceae) formerly "Fomitopsis pinicola"
23:43 Looking for Early Morels (Verpa Bohemia) - aka Spring Morels or Thimble Morels
25:24 Fragrant Funnel (Clitocybe fragrans or Clitocybe deceptiva)
27:01 Alpine Jelly Cone (Guepiniopsis alpina)
27:47 Pinwood Gingertail (Xeromphalina campanella) aka Fuzzy Foot
28:57 Mica Cap (Coprinellus micaceus)
30:17 Upside Down Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)
31:11 Lichen Agaric (Lichenomphalia umbellifera)
33:16 Outro

Thanks so much for joining me out here on the Mushroom Trail! Hope you're enjoying the content - can't wait to get the next video out your way!

#mushroom #mushroomhunting #fungi


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