Spicy Chorizo with Honey and Red Wine

Описание к видео Spicy Chorizo with Honey and Red Wine

This is a classic tapas dish and part of a collection of chorizo recipes, can be seen in many tapas restaurants in the UK. However, it is not always made properly. The secret to a tasty red wine chorizo is to reduce the red wine until it becomes syrupy, adding a generous dollop of honey, so the chorizo gets coated in a lovely sweet red wine syrup.

📕 Recipe here

🔪 Ingredients
400g spicy cooking chorizo sausage
½ large white onion, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
1 bay leaf
400ml red wine, ideally a young Rioja
2 tbsp clear honey
1 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley

🔥 Method

Cut the chorizo sausage into bite size pieces.

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. Once hot, fry the chorizo pieces until golden brown, about 3 minutes on each side. Drain the chorizo and set aside.

In the same frying pan, cook on a low heat the chopped garlic, onions and bay leaf until soft, it takes about 5 minutes.

Return the chorizo sausage to the frying pan and mix well. Increase the heat and pour in the red wine. Bring the red wine to the boil and allow the liquid to reduce by half. This will concentrate the flavours and make the chorizo sausage take on the red wine flavour. It takes about 5 minutes.

After this time, add the honey and reduce the liquid for a further 5 minutes until the wine mix becomes like thick syrup.

Serve with crusty bread, a sprinkle of chopped flat leaf parsley and a glass of red wine…of course.


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