
Описание к видео Bricks

A song I wrote this week at POWERHOUSE retreat

My people! HI! I am writing you from upstate New York, where I had the most beautiful creative retreat! I spent six days alone in a beautiful house and worked on my art. Isn't that what you already do, Be? You might be thinking. Actually. No. The amount of time I spend traveling, working on admin, and all the boring life things makes it pretty tough to get a chunk of time for creative work. I am so grateful for this time y'all!
I spent most of my time working on a very very long writing project. More soon on that. But I unexpectedly wrote a new song in my little snack breaks. This song is called bricks. I'm interested in the difference between a boundary and a rule. When is it a boundary and when does it become a wall? It's definitely in the early stages, but I wanted to share.
Sending love!
Here's more about the place. (This space is so cool. A friend T'ai Freedom Ford is one of the founders and designers. It is truly stunning)


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