The Last Promise #45 - Ending & Credits

Описание к видео The Last Promise #45 - Ending & Credits

Warning! - I may rant on about the story in the description so be aware there might be spoilers there if you read through it.

The Last Promise was created by Blazer and is a hack for Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword. This hack is a full length adventure filled with danger, some new items & classes as well as music, and a very well balanced difficulty curve.

You can head to the following site to keep up with the latest news regarding the hack and download the latest version of it:

ROM should be easy enough to find on your own.

Ending time!

The most important thing to note is that you get Secret #7, the final secret, after the credits finish rolling.

With that, the walkthrough is done, but I am not. I have an idea for one or two fun little compilation videos before I give this hack a break (finally!) until stuff like the bonus dungeon and/or supports and/or Chaos Mode (Which I really really hope happens in the future as I would love to play it) come out in the future.


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