Tmc2208 how-to: a more complete setup guide

Описание к видео Tmc2208 how-to: a more complete setup guide

(UPDATE: it has come to my attention lately that the standard Marlin 1.1.8 branch is not working, but I confirmed yesterday (5-22-18) that the 1.1.x-bugfix branch is working). As requested, this is a more complete TMC2208 setup video than the brief overview setup I gave in the other vid. I walk through the 4 ESSENTIAL steps in getting these drivers into UART serial software control mode:
1) Firmware configuration
2) Installing the Arduino driver
3) Soldering the jumper bridge pad
4) Making the connector cable

1:23 - Marlin firmware setup: configuration_adv & pins_RAMPS
5:52 - Install the libraries in Arduino IDE
6:28 - Finding the pin numbers
7:68 - (optional) finding usable pins if aux2 is used up
9:28 - How to enable UART software control mode
10:40 - Legacy mode RAMPS MS1 & MS2 jumper options
12:37 - Which pins to solder on
13:10 - soldering the jumper pad to enable UART mode
14:31 - Making the Y-cable for UART Tx/Rx
15:30 - pics of my setup for reference
16:05 - Marlin trinamic code commands

“Jumper” can refer to either the RAMPS MS1-MS3 board jumpers OR the stepstick solder jumper pads

-“comment it out” or “un-comment” refers to a coding convention where you place or remove // before a line of code to turn it into a comment (which means your compiler will ignore it, effectively switching off that line of code in your configuration)

For UART software control and debugging mode:
1) configure your configuration_adv.h file
2) configure your pins_RAMPS.h file
3) Install the trinamic libraries in Arduino IDE
4) Solder the jumper bridge on StepStick to connect a driver pin to the UART leg on the chip
5) Remove your RAMPS board jumpers (at least make sure the MS3 jumper is removed, the others will be ignored)
6) Make a Y-cable to connect Stepstick to your software-serial Rx and Rx pins on your RAMPS
7) Test connections by sending M122 gcode command to get driver status

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