THE machinegun- FN MAG (GPMG)

Описание к видео THE machinegun- FN MAG (GPMG)

Hello guys, today we will take a look at absolute classic- FN MAG!

Our teams continue to fullfil their duties on the frontline. During autum/ winter period, we found out that we need dedicated ISR/drone team, attached to our fire support team, to provide them with feed for correcting the fire day and night. Structures ISR assets were not always avaliable for correcting the fire, since their priority is to provide life feeds to the command posts. I am happy to say that dedicated drone team is fully operational, with huge help of various foundations and you, the viewers, we have vehicles, eco flow batteries, starlinks and DJI mavic 3s and 3Ts! This asset helping us to be more effective on the battlefield, and to spend fewer mortar rounds, with same or better effect then before! Thank you

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