#FinCrimeJobs #FinancialCrimePrevention #DepartmentManager #FraudPreventionJobs
(Please make sure you are watching at 1080 for the best quality and resolution)

Hey guys!

Back again with another episode of the Career Plug Series and I put myself in the hotseat! My role has changed slightly since filming this so i will have to do an updated video in the future, however alot of what i said is still applicable!

The lovely Zoe asked me several questions about what its like working in financial crime prevention, what to expect in the industry, salary expectations, what its really like to manage a department and much more! I hope you enjoy this video and it gives some useful insight into what I do at work for those who may be interested in a similar journey!

What is the career plug series about?
Each week I will upload an interview with a professional in their sector to help provide insight into what to expect from their role, how have they found their career journey, salary expectations, mistakes they have made along the way, and so much more!! I have so many amazing people in the pipeline all working in very different but exciting job roles.

Why are you doing this series?
My aim for this series is to help to provide a good level of insight into various career paths and sectors, in order to help people who are thinking about the type of career they want to embark on - whether you are just finishing school or university, or are simply looking for a career change, this series is for you!

With the pandemic really affecting the job market, I want to help to restore confidence in those people who are now thinking really hard about what they want to do next within their career and provide encouragement that you can achieve anything you want to! We will continue to break those barriers as young black professionals and keep working hard to push for the right representation in senior roles as all my interviews will demonstrate!

I hope you all enjoy this series as much as I have enjoyed having these conversations.

Let me know in the comments the types of sectors you want to know about and i'll let you know if i've already got them coming!

(Please make sure you are watching at either 720b or 1080 for the best quality and resolution)

For business or collaborations: [email protected]
Follow me on instagram: @slaywithshayuk   / slaywithshayuk  
Slay With Shay is all about encouraging positivity, success and upliftment on financial wellbeing, career and lifestyle choices!

Here are some random facts about me:

💫 My name is Seun, which is a Yoruba name meaning 'Thank you God'. Shay-Shay was actually a nickname/family name my uncle gave me as a child. So the name Shay has just stuck with me over the years, hardly anyone calls me Seun now apart from my mum when she's about to lecture me😅

💫 Im Nigerian and proud 🇳🇬 I also understand Yoruba fluently despite it not being spoken to me much as a child and not visiting Nigeria until i was 14. My mum is convinced I learnt it from all the films🤷🏾‍♀️

💫 I have worked in financial services for over 9 years and my specialism is in Managing Financial Crime/Fraud Prevention departments

💫 Im 30 years old, although my new fancy @fitrack scales say that my metabolic age is 28 so I'm allowed to claim that right?

💫 I have a side business in wedding, event planning and coordination

💫 I LOVE FOOD! Food is the way to my heart, and also my bank account😩

💫 My absolute favourite pastimes are going to the spa (You can only imagine how much i've suffered during lockdown), reading and watching property tours and home renovations. Ive also recently discovered a new thrill for Pole Fitness.

💫 I've gone through a rollercoaster on my financial wellbeing and career journey and have worked really hard to get to where I am now which was what inspired me to start this platform!

Hope that's given you an insight to my world! If you want to know more drop your questions below 😚

Look forward to engaging with you all!



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