Girl: Mouse. Change The Voices Back, NOW!! - Sparta Dark Format Remix

Описание к видео Girl: Mouse. Change The Voices Back, NOW!! - Sparta Dark Format Remix

"Larynx transplants have been possible since 1998, and, in at least one case, the recipient sounded like he did before his own larynx was crushed, rather than sounding like the donor. This is due to the larynx being like the mouthpiece of a brass instrument. All mouthpieces sound about the same alone, but the sound quality changes drastically depending on whether it’s attached to a trumpet or tuba. In this case, the entire human head acts as the actual “instrument.” So voices are partly “mental” in the sense that they’re head-related." - TV Tropes Website

Source: Boy Girl Dog Cat Cheese Mouse Episode 29 - Voice Swap
Base: Toure Taylor Backup

Made using Sony Vegas 14, Melodyne and FL Studio


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