I Am Wealthy, I Can Relax!

Описание к видео I Am Wealthy, I Can Relax!

An Affirmation to strengthen the vibration of wealth consciousness and belief so that wealth manifestation occurs easily, under Grace in Perfect ways.

When I asked myself 'How does Infinite Wealth FEEL?', my first reaction and answer was RELAXED! No more worry or struggle...just ease, peace, plenty and all responsibilities easily taken care of. I can RELAX! I can enjoy and share.
...and, as Neville Goddard says, FEELING is the secret of manifestation. As you repeat the affirmation over and over, imagine what infinite wealth FEELS like..as vividly as possible.
The more we have, the more we have to share.

May you experience INFINITE WEALTH now!...under Grace in Perfect ways.

Many blessings!

DONATE VIA PAYPAL...(10% goes to animal welfare)...copy and paste the following web address....(thanks & blessings)....

My Kindle book of prosperity rhyming affirmations is available in the Amazon Kindle Store as 'RHYMING AFFIRMATIONS FOR PROSPERITY, by Bo Westcott. (type 'BO WESTCOTT' into Amazon)


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