The Rise of MXenes – Impact of Materials Discovery on Technological Progress - Yury Gogotsi

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iCANX Talks:

The Rise of MXenes – Impact of Materials Discovery on Technological Progress
Professor Yury Gogotsi
Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach Distinguished University Professor, Director, A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University
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Discovery of new materials provides moments of inspiration and shifts in understanding, shaping the dynamic field of materials science. Following the graphene breakthrough, many other 2D materials have been discovered. Although many of these materials remain subjects of purely academic interest, others have jumped into the limelight due to their attractive properties, which have led to practical applications. Among the latter are carbides and nitrides of transition metals known as MXenes (pronounced “maxenes”), a fast-growing family of 2D materials. The family of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes) has been expanding rapidly since the discovery of Ti3C2 at Drexel University in 2011. More than 30 different MXenes have been reported, and the structure and properties of numerous other MXenes have been predicted using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Moreover, the availability of solid solutions on M and X sites, control of surface terminations, and the discovery of ordered double-M MXenes (e.g., Mo2TiC2), i-MAX phases and their MXenes offer the potential for producing dozens of new distinct structures. This presentation will describe the state of the art in the field. The manufacturing of MXenes, their delamination into single-layer 2D flakes and assembly into films, fibers and 3D structures will be briefly covered. Synthesis-structure-properties relations of MXenes will be addressed on the example of Ti3C2. The use of MXenes in ceramic- metal- and polymer-matrix composites, smart fibers and textiles will also be discussed. The versatile chemistry of the MXene family renders their properties tunable for a large variety of applications. Oxygen or hydroxyl-terminated MXenes, such as Ti3C2O2, have been shown to have redox capable transition metals layers on the surface and offer a combination of high electronic conductivity with hydrophilicity, as well as fast ionic transport. This, among many other advantageous properties, makes the MXene family promising candidates for energy storage and related electrochemical applications, but applications in plasmonics, electrocatalysis, biosensors, medicine, electronics, water purification/ desalination and other fields are equally exciting.


Dr. Yury Gogotsi is Distinguished University Professor and Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University. He also serves as Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute. He received his MS (1984) and PhD (1986) from Kiev Polytechnic and a DSc degree from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1995. His research group works on 2D carbides, nanostructured carbons, and other nanomaterials for energy, water and biomedical applications. He has co-authored 2 books, more than 600 papers in peer-reviewed journals (more than 100000 citations), edited 14 books, and obtained more than 60 patents. He is recognized as Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science and Chemistry, and Citations Laureate by Thomson-Reuters/Clarivate Analytics.

He has received numerous awards for his research including the Friendship Award from Chinese government, European Carbon Association Award, S. Somiya Award from the International Union of Materials Research Societies, Lee Hsun Award Lecture, Institute of Metal Research, CAS, Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Nanotechnology, MRS, Tsinghua Global Vision Lecture, Nano Energy award from Elsevier, International Nanotechnology Prize (RUSNANOPrize), R&D 100 Award from R&D Magazine (twice) and two Nano 50 Awards from NASA Nanotech Briefs, among many other. He has been elected a Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), Materials Research Society, American Ceramic Society, the Electrochemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, International Society of Electrochemistry, as well as Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics and Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences. He holds honorary doctorates from the National Technical University of Ukraine - Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine, and Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. He also had distinguished/honorary professorships from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Jilin University (1000 Talents Distinguished Foreign Professor), and Dalian University of Technology (Cheung Kong Chair Professor). He served on the MRS Board of Directors and is acting as Associate Editor of ACS Nano.


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