A recently repaired Realistic DX-60 CB & SW monitor. The Voice of Turkey, Romania, and Radio Marti.

Описание к видео A recently repaired Realistic DX-60 CB & SW monitor. The Voice of Turkey, Romania, and Radio Marti.

A recently repaired Realistic DX-60 CB & SW monitor is picking up the Voice of Turkey, Romania, and Radio Marti. The radio was in poor condition with a damaged or missing handle and was non-functional. I replaced the handle, cleaned all controls and outer surfaces of the set, and repaired or retuned the bands as necessary. Some bands were not working at all, so I repaired those circuits. The video was recorded before the retuning process.
After I finihed the repair, I added a BFO circuit (there is plenty of room inside this radio) and a BFO switch, which you can see on the left side of the antenna. The BFO switch looks like a small knob-like push button. When the BFO is turned on, it can receive CW, USB, and LSB mode transmissions used by HAM operators for long-distance (nationwide and worldwide) communication. This means there's no more mystery about what your neighbor radio amateur is talking to his friends about.


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