12 fragrances from the Portrait Collection from Penhaligon's

Описание к видео 12 fragrances from the Portrait Collection from Penhaligon's

Fragrances mentioned from Penhaligon's portrait collection:
Terrible Teddy
The Coveted Duchess Rose
The Revenge of Lady Blanche
The Blazing Mr.Sam
Heartless Helen
Changing Constance
The Bewitching Yasmine
The Tragedy of Lord George
The Inimitable William Penhaligon
Much Ado About the Duke
The Ruthless Countess Dorothea

Other fragrances mentioned from Penhaligon's
Lily of the Valley
Lily & Spice

Other fragrances mentioned:
Minuit de Demi, Fragrance du Bois
Starlight, Xerjoff
Remember Me, Jovoy
Magenta Tanzanite, Armani Privé
Fragrances from Aesop in general
Chanel no 19
Chanel no 19 Poudré
Carnal Flower
Tuberoza, Nishane
Moon Bloom, Hiram Green


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