Описание к видео #IAMUSIC

To repent of your sins means to completely stop your old sinful patterns/ways and to turn to God by accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, God's son - the only way to eternal life.

Jesus Christ is God. He came to earth in the flesh as the "Son of man" or "the Second ADAM". He was born of a virgin, He lived a perfect life, and was killed by our sins when he sacrificed himself and died on the cross as a payment for the sins of all who will receive Him.

IF you've never asked Jesus Christ to save you before, then you need to do so today, but you need to do so from the HEART and with a repentant heart.

The Bible tells us that we are "saved by grace (God's undeserved kindness) through faith; and that not of ourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them."

IF YOU WANT TO ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Saviour, then with a TRULY REPENTANT HEART; you need to pray right now!

Talk to God and let Him know that you...

1. Are a sinner
2. That you are incapable of earning your own salvation
3. But, you believe that Jesus Christ is God's son and that he died for your sins.
4. With a TRULY REPENTANT heart, ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins
5. Tell Him you will turn from those sins and will FORSAKE them forever
6. Ask Jesus to come into your heart so that you can start a relationship with Him.
7. Thank God for his grace (His undeserved kindness) and let God know that you will share the gospel (the good news) with others. Let God know how grateful you are and end with: "In Jesus Name, Amen!"

Now you need to CONFESS the Lord, Jesus Christ TO OTHERS by proclaiming HOW he has changed your life (you're a testimony) and by showing what he did for you with others.

Jesus told us in Mark, to "go into all the world, and preach the gospel (salvation message) to every creature. He that believes and is baptized will be saved; but he that believes not will be damned."

AFTER you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, make sure to talk to Him every day through prayer and every day through prayer, make sure you REPENT (turn away from) of any known sin.

Now, you need to pick up the Bible (KJV or NKJV are the best versions) and read the Bible every day, because it's God's Word.

Do you want answers to your prayers? READ YOUR BIBLE
Do you want God to speak to you about something? READ YOUR BIBLE
Do you want God to give you an answer about something? READ YOUR BIBLE
Do you want God to show you how to live (what to do and what not to do)? READ YOUR BIBLE

The Bible is our daily bread - we must feed on it multiple times each day, the same way you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner - and don’t forget the snacks too :)

BTW, you'll be amazed at how God answers prayer through the Bible; His Word.

But seriously though, DON'T TAKE my word for it. Read it for yourself. Download the Bible app (it's free) and start reading in the book of John, then keep going to the end (Revelation). I recommend starting out with the New King James Version Bible and then graduating to the King James Version Bible.

Next Step: FIND YOU a Church that teaches the TRUE GOSPEL and the TRUTH GOSPEL ONLY! I highly recommend you watch "American Gospel" (it's a doc on what the TRUE GOSPEL is) and you'll understand much more.

My Belief Statement
1) I believe In God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
2) Salvation Through Jesus Christ Is The ONLY Way To Heaven - no other way
3) I believe Christians must repent of post-salvation sin (every day we turn and forsake our old sin patterns
4) I believe in immersion baptism ONLY
5) I believe in Communion
6) I believe all people will spend forever in Heaven or Hell
7) I believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
8) I believe God Created the heavens and the earth

Side Note: The music is not mine, all credit for this amazing beat goes to:
   • 'Next Level' - Freestyle Trap Beat Fr...  

Also, I am not using this music to get any monetary gain - this is all done for the Lord and for the Saints. God Bless you all. To GOD be the glory!


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