В.Путин.Вступительное слово.08.09.03.Part 2

Описание к видео В.Путин.Вступительное слово.08.09.03.Part 2

Speech at a Meeting with Rasul Gamzatov.Part 2
September 8, 2003
Bocharov Ruchei Residence, Sochi

Вступительное слово на встрече с поэтом Расулом Гамзатовым
8 сентября 2003 года
Сочи, Бочаров Ручей

You called one of your latest books The Mountain Dwellers Constitution. This collection of personal laws contains only seven articles, but they encompass the entire sense and essence of human life. Your spiritual beacons continue to be conscience, honour, goodness and love.

You have always been attuned to the voice of the times and have always known how to tell people about what really matters, about what worries and concerns them. Today a great many people admire your poetry and also support the wisdom you show as a citizen and your personal dignity.

Thank you for your exceptional educational work, your talent and your resolute stand as a man and a citizen.

Once again, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you health and successes in your creative work.


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