planetarian - Gentle Jena

Описание к видео planetarian - Gentle Jena

As you know, "planetarian" is very short game.( )
But "the after story" was novelized. And you can read the last part that were omitted when publishing the novel to access the writer's website. (
The following is a translation into English.

"planetarian - Genealogy -" by Yuuichi Suzumoto

The old man has a dream.
It is raining.
He is face down in the warm mud, with coarse breathing. Now he is just waiting for the moment that he is not on his own.
He discards all the armor. His one leg already has not worked. He is falling down, and crawling on the mud.
He continues escaping. It is also raining at the last point he reached on.
Already, he cannot feel the cold and the thirst.
He thinks. "I will die here."
He is smiling. A nun seems knows everything is smiling by his side.
The old man thinks why she came here.
"... Do you come to pick me?" he asks. But there is no answer.
"What is the number of the gate? If two, I do not go."
Eventually she was kneeling, hands together to pray, closes her eyes. The gesture says more than several billion words.
The old man closes his eyes, too.
As the power is shut down, all covers in darkness. However, it is instant.
There is a large circular room. There is a weaker indirect light against the high hemisphere ceiling. There are many seats that are side by side toward the center and many audiences are sitting on the seats. He knows some audiences.
There are young, old, families, friends, and lovers ... all audiences are waiting and looking forward to the events to come.
There is a 2-ball-type projector at the center.
Next to it, a robot was standing.
The robot looks like about 15 years old girl with long hair parted in the middle and large ribbon is smiling gently.
Now, the old man is no longer old man. With the same shape and mind as that spending time with her at the forgotten planetarium in "the Closed City of Rain", he speaks to her.
"Hi, long time no see.."
"Yes, been a while." she replies.
"Well, how are you?"
"Yes, because I am a robot..."
A moment when she continues the conversations, her eyes suddenly flow with tears and tears trickled down her cheek. Tears flow, penetration into uniform tie, a badge chest wet.
Their tears, says her feelings instead of words.
"Oh! You have been already able to weep, haven't you?"
He walked up to her and touched her hair gently.
Yes. Not surprising. Here, robot's wishes are all come true as same as humans one.
"Yes, sir? ..." The obedient robot replies with short words.
"I'm not a sir." He replies gently.
Her coworkers like a people who attend the wedding are surrounding and looking at the two.
Although for the first time, he thinks that they are long way fellows.
And he realizes.
There is a genealogy of "Planetarian" born, nurtured on this planet, and now he joins to the genealogy.
"Now, let's start the projection!"
He declares quietly, and he smiles the girl partner.
It sounds thunderous applause.
--The End--


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