(4 Sep 2002)
APTN - Washington, DC 9 August, 2002
1. Exterior pan of Washington, DC mosque
2. Interior courtyard of mosque
3. Prayer participants
4. Prayer service from back of mosque
5. Man in foreground with other worshippers behind
FBI video - Dallas, Texas - 20 March, 2002
6. Agents breaking into a house in Dallas
7. Man at front door being handcuffed by agents
8. Agent in "anti-terrorism" jacket
9. Man being escorted by agents
APTN - New York, New York - 6 March, 2002
10. Syed Mahmood Hassan comes home and picks up daughter
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Syed Mahmood Hassan, former detainee
"They just say like this that they take me and it would take two hours to talk to the judge, so I go with them. But after that, it takes a month, more than a month just to see the judge."
12. Syed with wife and daughter
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Muniba Mahmood, wife
"At night we are also so scary and we are not sleep well, at night, also - nightmares, are, every time we have (we often have nightmares)."
APTN - New York, New York - 18 August, 2002
14. Zoom to storefront
15. Woman walks past store front with t-shirts reading "Islam is Peace"
16. Muslim women in street
APTN - Washington, DC 14 September, 2001
11. President George W. Bush walks to podium in mosque
12. SOUNDBITE (English) George W. Bush, US President
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace."
13. Bush in mosque with Islamic community leaders
APTN - Washington, DC 20 March 2002
14. News conference with US Attorney General John Ashcroft
15. SOUNDBITE (English) John Ashcroft, US Attorney General
"These visitors to our country have been selected for interview because they fit criteria designed to identify persons who might have knowledge of foreign based terrorists."
APTN - New York, New York - 18 August 2002
16. Woman and child walk down street toward camera
17. Two more women walk down street
18. Signs of businesses along New York Street
APTN - Herndon, Virginia 24 August 2001
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Iqbal Unus, Director of Administration, International Institute of Islamic Thought
"Here also, the same thing happened. They rushed in guns drawn and so on, and herded everybody into this room. No search warrant. Search warrant wasn't shown until about two and a half hours later."
20. Unus and colleagues at International Institute of Islamic Thought praying
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Iqbal Unus, Director of Administration, International Institute of Islamic Thought
"Five agents broke into the house thinking that no one would answer. They were armed and broke the door and rushed in and within a few seconds, a minute or so, they handcuffed both my wife and daughter."
APTN - New York, New York 18 August 2002
22. Women and children on street corner
23. Interior of Muslim merchant
APTN - Washington, DC 21 August, 2002
24. Lawyer Maher Hanania with client
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Maher Hanania, Washington Attorney
"I go workout after work, you know. Then I stopped by Giant the other day and I had, you know, my gym bag with me and people looked at me kind of funny and the first thing that came to my mind is, what's he got, you know, they're looking at me because I'm Middle Eastern."
APTN - New York, New York 3 March, 2002
26. Syed Mahmood Hassan and family
27. SOUNDBITE (English) Syed Mahmood Hassan, former detainee
"After this happened with me, I'm not feeling, I'm feeling very uncomfortable now. Because I'm also afraid that anything can happen anytime."
28. Hassan family watching television
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