Introduction Of Biotechnology | Genetic Engineering | Class 10 Biology

Описание к видео Introduction Of Biotechnology | Genetic Engineering | Class 10 Biology

Introduction Of Biotechnology | Genetic Engineering | Class 10 Biology

About This Video ........................
In This Video Lecture You Will Learn Basic Concept

biotechnology, the use of  biology  to solve problems and make useful products. The most prominent area of biotechnology is the production of therapeutic proteins and other drugs through genetic engineering.

About This Channel.....................

I make these videos cause I love to draw and connect the complexity of science and medicine into art. I'm not saying. I'm 100% correct in all my videos, but I do try to obtain the information from credible sources.
One-stop destination for all biology lectures.
_ students in class 11, 12 or appearing for competitive medical exams ( NMDCAT ) will find it very beneficial
_ The videos are categories under various heading to make the students life simplified

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