You are going to Have the Best Night's Sleep: Guided Meditation

Описание к видео You are going to Have the Best Night's Sleep: Guided Meditation

This 5-minute guided meditation before going to sleep can provide you with the best night's sleep by helping you to relax and release any stress or tension that you may be holding onto. The guided meditation will guide you through a process of relaxation and mindfulness, helping you to become more present in the moment and to let go of any distractions or thoughts that may be keeping you awake. The meditation will focus on your breath and your body, helping you to release tension and stress from your mind and body and to find a state of calm and peace. This can help you to fall asleep faster and to stay asleep longer, resulting in a deeper and more restful sleep. Additionally, a regular meditation practice can help to reduce insomnia and anxiety in the long-term. Goodnight!


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