Let's Play Ultima VIII #02: All Washed Up

Описание к видео Let's Play Ultima VIII #02: All Washed Up

Stranded on a world he has no knowledge of that knows not of the Avatar and without his equipment or companions, it's safe to say that the Avatar has had better days. Presuming that he can survive in the ocean that far away from shore - you'll see why that's something I question - we'll need to quickly get our bearings and look for a way to return to Britannia.

Unfortunately this is far easier said then done as all is not well in the world of Pagan. You'd think that would be obvious if the Guardian dropped us off here, as he surely hopes that we'll die there or at worst, he trapped forever. A few questions are immediately brought up with the setup for this game but one springs to mind immediately; why strand us on Pagan at all when he could drop us into certain death as an alternative, like into the active volcano in the middle of the island?

The reason for that is something we won't find out here - if we ever do - and there'll be many questions that'll be brought up about this game and how it connects to everything else, but right now we're going to get used to the game. This involves mastering the controls as best they can be, searching the shoreline and finding a few goodies. After that we'll head to the nearby settlement and start looking for a way off the island. I'm sure we'll get a warm welcome once we get there.

Oh wait, did I say warm? I meant open aversion that's only a tiny step away from hostility.


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