Описание к видео IN-DEPTH Mining Attachments Guide - STAR CITIZEN TUTORIAL

Hi guys, today I want to inform and teach you all about mining attachments and gadgets that will help with cracking even the most resilient boulders in Star Citizen.
I have previously posted guides that teach you hand mining, Rover mining and ship mining. This guide is a perfect match for my previous ship mining guide so i highly recommend you check that out if you haven’t already.

First make your way to a refinery. I recommend the one at ARC-L1 since it is close to the moon Lyria, where precious ores such as quantanum is in abundance. Go to the mining support centre and enter the console.

Here you will see various types of gadgets.
Mining Modules are attachments you can add to your mining laser. For instance, the Vaux-C3 module takes down the instability of whatever you are trying to break apart, but it does reduce the optimal charge window size by 4%. The Torrent 3 module increases your laser power by 4% but it also increases the instability of your target by 3%.

Most of these attachments are passive, meaning they do not have a limited use. Some of these modules DO have a limited use, such as the Optimum module. This module increases the green optimal charging zone by 75% which can be a big help in some cases. But it only has 5 uses, so use it well.

Besides modules you need to add to your mining laser, there are also gadgets you keep on your character and need to manually add to minables. A nice one is the BoreMax. This gadget reduces the resistance by 75%, which is perfect for when your laser seems too weak to crack a boulder. It does however decrease the rate at which your fill up the optimal charge and increases the rate at which you fill up the overcharge.

Purchase this one, go into your inventory and drag the gadget onto your backpack.

With that last purchase, we are ready to start mining. In this first example, we do not have any modules added to our mining laser and we are simply not strong enough to crack this obsidian deposit. To help with this, equip your gadget, hold the left mouse button and place it on the deposit. The gadget will scan the deposit first, but you will have to adjust 3 parameters before you can activate it. Play arround with the Propagation, field range and axial scatter settings until the red and green wavelengths overlap as much as possible. Look for the waveform accuracy percentage while adjusting these parameters to get as close as possible to 100%.

Activate the gadget and go back into your ship and start mining again. As you can see, we are now able to increase the charge. Here is a side by side comparison of how effective this gadget can be.

Now lets combine everything we have. On our Helix mining head, I have added two passive modules; I have added the Torrent III module for an increase in laser power and the FLTR-XL module to filter out inert material when im collecting the resources. There is one module that I need to manually activate, which is the optimum module that increases the optimal charge window by 75%.

That is it for this guide. You will finally be able to solo mine certain deposits that seemed just out of reach. If this was helpful


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