The Fundamentals of HAZOP Study - iFluids Online Training

Описание к видео The Fundamentals of HAZOP Study - iFluids Online Training

A hazard and operability study (HAZOP) is a structured and systematic examination of a complex planned or existing process or operation in order to identify and evaluate problems that may represent risks to personnel or equipment. In this online training, you will be learning The Fundamentals of HAZOP Study.

The instructor of this course is Jospeh Suresh. He is a HAZOP/LOPA Chairman & QRA Specialist - Process Safety Consultant and HSE Trainer.

This is a recorded video of below training session held on April 23, 2020

What you will learn?

HAZOP Study Stands for Hazard and Operability Study. Hazop is the structured brainstorming technique to identify Hazards involved in a chemical process plant. It is an important Industrial Safety tool. HAZOP study is carried out during the design stage of the process plant or during carrying out any modification in the existing plant. Live interactive sessions over the internet, combined with practical examples completed offline and shared via email to us. You will simply require a computer with a reliable internet connection, a headset with a high-quality microphone.

Course Content

What is a HAZOP Study?

Definition of basic terms

Risk matrix/ALARP principle

When to Perform a HAZOP Study

Different stages of Hazop study and relevant Data requirement


Generally accepted rules of HAZOP

Overall HAZOP Methodology

Layers of protection/Safeguard

Hierarchy of controls (with simple example)

HAZOP Study-Example

To learn more on HAZOP study Click Here -

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