Описание к видео What's BIZZ LOC Up To BEHIND BARS | KEEP6IXORG Interview

Welcome back to the We Love Hip Hop Network channel. This week we have Keep 6ix Org on the show. KEEP 6IX ORG | Bizz Loc Update, Talks Prison Reform, Rappers In Jail & More    / @welovehiphopclips416  

What Keep 6ix ORG does:
Our platform focuses on creating lucid content that educates, transforms, and empowers youth to discover their strengths and how it can be reflected and shared in society. Keep6ix recognizes the lack of services and rehabilitative supports to prevent and reduce young people from coming into conflict with the Criminal Justice System. Our highly trained staff are skilled and passionate about working with individuals who are culturally identified as at-risk, marginalized, racially oppressed, and/or who reside in communities experiencing high levels of poverty, delinquency, and crime.

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Recorded: November 2022

Friday:   / fridayrickydred  

KEEP 6IX ORG | Bizz Loc Update, Talks Prison Reform, Rappers In Jail & More

#bizzloc #keep6ixorg #jail #toronto #interview #welovehiphop #interviewtipsandtricks #torontorappers #fridayrickydred #jailreform #reformed #prison

00:00 Getting Acquainted
01:11 What Is Keep ^ix ORG
04:02 When Keep 6ix ORG was started
06:38 Richard's Time in jail
14:33 Adding more phones on range
16:50 When crack hit Toronto
19:07 Programs that Keep 6ix ORG started
21:29 Rappers Keep 6ix have interviewed
23:56 Bigging up Bizz Loc
25:28 How do kids end up in jail
27:37 Kids saying they can do more jail time
31:13 Importance of mentorship
33:01 Year Keep 6ix ORG banquet
36:06 Giving Richard his flowers
39:26 Why do people end up back in jail
41:01 How to bring down gun violence
43:18 What's coming jup
47:36 Outro


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