Mafuso Oti Tidzifunse Tikamawelenga Report la ndege - NVB Original

Описание к видео Mafuso Oti Tidzifunse Tikamawelenga Report la ndege - NVB Original

On Nyasa VoiceBox, we discuss how the report on the Chikwangawa crash highlights broader issues in Malawi's management beyond the events of June 10th. If we have failed to equip our presidential and military aircraft with necessary equipment for over 20 years, where else in the Malawian public service delivery system might we be cutting corners? Should we wait for another disaster to occur before we start addressing these issues?

Pa Nyasa VoiceBox, tikukambilana za momwe lipoti la ngozi ya ku Chikwangawa likuunikira mavuto amene ali ku Malawi. Kwa za 20 tinalephela ku kugula zinthu zoyenela zofunikila pa ndege zanthu za president komaso asilikali. Mfusnso ndikumati, kodi pena ndi pati pamene tipanga zinthu mwamadulira? Kodi tidikire ngozi ina kuti zimenezi zikozendwe?



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