Rick Bayless "Coctel Campechano" Deluxe Seafood Cocktail

Описание к видео Rick Bayless "Coctel Campechano" Deluxe Seafood Cocktail

This is what you serve when you want the seafood cocktail to be the impressive main event.

In Mexico, it’s a malt glass filled to the brim with shrimp, maybe scallops, always octopus, squid or sea snails, and, if the place is really good, a spoonful of ceviche and a couple of raw oysters. By the way, when oysters are added, the coctel typically goes by the name of vuelve a la vida, “return to life,” because of its purported ability to cure a hangover.

RECIPE 👉 https://www.rickbayless.com/recipe/de...


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