Betty Gore & Candy Montgomery: From Close Friends to Axe Murder

Описание к видео Betty Gore & Candy Montgomery: From Close Friends to Axe Murder


When Betty Gore was found murdered in her small-town Texas home, it sent the area into a tailspin. Not only had there never been a murder in Wylie, TX but this was a brutal killing, Betty had been hacked to death by an axe, 41 times! But things were going to become even more wild when her close friend Candy Montgomery was arrested for her murder. How could someone that was good friends with Betty kill her in such a savage way? 
Candy would confess to everything, pleading guilty to killing Betty. Her reason for the murder? She claimed it was in self defense! You do not want to miss hearing this story, listen now for all of the details. 
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Bloom, John. Evidence of Love. 2016. Open Road Media. 
Texas Monthly. Jim Atkinson & John Bloom. Love and Death in Silicon Prarie Part 1 & Part 2. 1984. Love and Death in Silicon Prairie, Part I: Candy Montgomery’s Affair – Texas Monthly


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