Square your X and Y axis - CNCnutz Episode 212

Описание к видео Square your X and Y axis - CNCnutz Episode 212


Like tramming the Z axis on your machine to be square to the tabletop, Squaring the X and Y axis is another job you need to complete for your machine to cut accurately. The biggest problem with this is it isn't as simple as grabbing a square and checking it. Machinists squares are far too small for this task and builders squares are not really accurate enough. Even if it was then on a large machine like mine even a builders square is too small and there is nowhere I can put it to reference square from anyway. This is true of most CNC machines but none the less it has to be done and done accurately.

If your X&Y are not square to one another then nothing you cut will be square.

The good news is that it takes very little in the way of technical knowledge and tools to set your axis up square and when you are finished it will be super accurate.

For this we will use Pythagoras's theorem but don't worry if you aren't good with maths. This video will show you a simple method for doing this.

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I hope you enjoy.


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